When I turned up they were making the costumes for Beegu and her parents. The frames had been done:
They had tried them on:
And now they were covering them with papier maché:
I'm going back to see the performance next week. Will be fun to see how the masks turn out.
In another room they were rehearsing for the action sequences... with hula hoops:
and a spaceship:
Here the are practising the scene with the rabbits. They are perfecting their bunny hops:
Their leapfrogging (don't remember that scene in the book ^-^):
And their human pyramid (or this one... feeling like it should have been there though. Might do a special edition one day!):
The walls inside were covered with Beegu drawings:
And the walls outside had been painted with a giant Beegu mural. o. m. g.
I did my first ever bit of graffiti... I wasn't a very proper teenager:
Then I answered a few Beegu related questions. There seems to be some desire for a sequel... And they wanted a movie ^-^.
Will post some pictures from the performance when it happens next week.
So great!