Saturday, 20 April 2013

making shapes

Lately I have been doing a lot of experimenting with with the way I make images.  I have been trying a method where I first paint a coloured shape or group of shapes and then use line to resolve the shapes into specific places or characters.  Sometimes I add a third stage where I wash over sections of the shape with additional colours.  All the additional colours show a little of the base colour behind them and I think this helps to unify them somewhat...

I used this technique on the cover of the forthcoming Bell X1 album, Chop Chop and also for several spreads in the Selfish Giant.


  1. So glad you have a blog now! New stuff looks beautiful - how do I be a follower..? :)

    1. Thanks! Nice to hear from you... you can follow through blogger, think there's a page for it where you sign in, or with an RSS reader... Please do ^-^!

  2. A similar approach is common in digital artwork these days, but these are something else! Having to think about silhouette first seems a really useful way of drawing.

    1. I've gotten quite obsessed with shapes lately! By taking them as the starting point it does seem to ease the pressure on the rest of the rendering. You have a structure in place and something to react to at the same time.
